Tovornjak avtotransporter DAF XF 480 6x2 + FVG ALFS

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- Pred prenosom poskrbite, da so navedeni podatki pravilni in da se nanašajo točno na določeno podjetje.
Kontaktirajte prodajalca

Year: 2019.
Milage: 648.985 km.
Max weight: 27.000 kg.
Axle load:
1: 8000 kg.
2: 11.500 kg.
3: 7500 kg.
Multifunctional steering wheel.
Airconditioning + Ecodirna roof airconditioning.
Electrical operated windows and mirrors.
Full airsuspension.
RVS toolboxes.
1-2: 4750 mm.
1-3: 6050 mm.
Radio CD.
Digital tacho.
Dimmensions FVG floor:
L: 7000 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 1050 mm.
Floor is complete galvanised.
Height in Radmulde: 700 mm.
Euro 6 Ad Blue.
3th axle liftaxle.
Cruise Control.
1: 385/55R22,5 70%.
2: 315/60R22,5 70%.
3: 315/60R22,5 50%.
In combination with:
Year: 2017.
8 tons BPW axles.
Max weight: 25.000 kg.
1st axle liftaxle.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 8450 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 800 mm.
Height in Radmulde: 400 mm.
Complete Galvanised!
Tyres: 205/65R17,5 70%.
German combination!
3 Pieces!
ID NR: 607.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Firmeninformationen =
Für mehr Informationen:
WhatsApp: prikaz stikov
prikaz stikov
Year: 2019.
Milage: 648.985 km.
Max weight: 27.000 kg.
Axle load:
1: 8000 kg.
2: 11.500 kg.
3: 7500 kg.
Multifunctional steering wheel.
Airconditioning + Ecodirna roof airconditioning.
Electrical operated windows and mirrors.
Full airsuspension.
RVS toolboxes.
1-2: 4750 mm.
1-3: 6050 mm.
Radio CD.
Digital tacho.
Dimmensions FVG floor:
L: 7000 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 1050 mm.
Floor is complete galvanised.
Height in Radmulde: 700 mm.
Euro 6 Ad Blue.
3th axle liftaxle.
Cruise Control.
1: 385/55R22,5 70%.
2: 315/60R22,5 70%.
3: 315/60R22,5 50%.
In combination with:
Year: 2017.
8 tons BPW axles.
Max weight: 25.000 kg.
1st axle liftaxle.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 8450 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 800 mm.
Height in Radmulde: 400 mm.
Complete Galvanised!
Tyres: 205/65R17,5 70%.
German combination!
3 Pieces!
ID NR: 607.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Dealer information =
For more information:
WhatsApp: prikaz stikov
prikaz stikov
Whatsapp: prikaz stikov
prikaz stikov
WhatsApp : prikaz stikov
prikaz stikov
Year: 2019.
Milage: 648.985 km.
Max weight: 27.000 kg.
Axle load:
1: 8000 kg.
2: 11.500 kg.
3: 7500 kg.
Multifunctional steering wheel.
Airconditioning + Ecodirna roof airconditioning.
Electrical operated windows and mirrors.
Full airsuspension.
RVS toolboxes.
1-2: 4750 mm.
1-3: 6050 mm.
Radio CD.
Digital tacho.
Dimmensions FVG floor:
L: 7000 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 1050 mm.
Floor is complete galvanised.
Height in Radmulde: 700 mm.
Euro 6 Ad Blue.
3th axle liftaxle.
Cruise Control.
1: 385/55R22,5 70%.
2: 315/60R22,5 70%.
3: 315/60R22,5 50%.
In combination with:
Year: 2017.
8 tons BPW axles.
Max weight: 25.000 kg.
1st axle liftaxle.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 8450 mm.
W: 2550 mm.
H: 800 mm.
Height in Radmulde: 400 mm.
Complete Galvanised!
Tyres: 205/65R17,5 70%.
German combination!
3 Pieces!
ID NR: 607.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Bedrijfsinformatie =
Voor meer Informatie:
WhatsApp: prikaz stikov
prikaz stikov