Tovornjak tovorna ploščad Mercedes-Benz Actros 2641

Če se odločite za nakup opreme po nizki ceni, se prepričajte, da ste komunicirati z resničnim prodajalcem. Izvedite čim več informacij o lastniku opreme. Eden od načinov goljufanja se je predstavljati za resnično podjetje. V primeru suma o tem obvestite nas za dodatno kontrolo preko obrazca za povratne informacije.
Preden se odločite za nakup natančno preglejte več prodajnih ponudb, da boste razumeli povprečno ceno izbrane opreme. Če je cena ponudbe, ki vam je všeč, veliko nižja od podobnih ponudb, pomislite na to. Pomembna razlika v ceni lahko kaže na skrite napake ali pa na poskus prodajalca na goljufivo ravnanje.
Ne kupujte izdelkov, katerih cena je preveč drugačna od povprečne cene za podobno opremo.
Ne dajajte soglasja za dvomljive obljube in predplačane izdelke. V primeru dvoma se nikar ne bojte pojasniti podrobnosti, zahtevajte dodatne fotografije in dokumente za opremo, preverite pristnost dokumentov in postavite vprašanja.
Gre za najpogostejšo vrsto goljufije. Nepošteni prodajalci lahko zahtevajo določen znesek - predplačilo - torej "rezervacijo" vaše pravice do nakupa opreme. Tako goljufi lahko zberejo veliko količino denarja in izginejo, mi pa ne moremo več stopiti z njimi v stik.
- Prenos predplačila na kartico
- Ne opravite predplačila brez dokumentov, ki potrjujejo postopek prenosa denarja, če prodajalec v sporočilu izraža dvom.
- Prenos na račun "skrbnika" (agenta)
- Takšna zahteva bi morala biti zaskrbljujoča, verjetno komunicirate z goljufi.
- Prenos na račun podjetja s podobnim imenom
- Bodite previdni. Goljufi se lahko prikrijejo kot znane družbe, saj opravijo manjše spremembe imena. Ne prenesite sredstev, če je ime podjetja sumljivo.
- Zamenjava lastnih podatkov na računu resničnega podjetja
- Pred prenosom poskrbite, da so navedeni podatki pravilni in da se nanašajo točno na določeno podjetje.
Kontaktirajte prodajalca

= Weitere Informationen =
Vorderachse: Gelenkt
Hinterachse 1: Reduzierung: Ausenplanetenachsen
Hinterachse 2: Reduzierung: Ausenplanetenachsen
Kran: hinter der Kabine
Wenden Sie sich an Miguel Cubas, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
= Firmeninformationen =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
Bagaksel 1: Reduktion: navreduktion
Bagaksel 2: Reduktion: navreduktion
Kran: bag førerhuset
= Forhandleroplysninger =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
= More information =
Front axle: Steering
Rear axle 1: Reduction: hub reduction
Rear axle 2: Reduction: hub reduction
Crane: behind the cab
Please contact Miguel Cubas for more information
= Dealer information =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
= Más información =
Eje delantero: Dirección
Eje trasero 1: Reducción: reducción de cubo
Eje trasero 2: Reducción: reducción de cubo
Grúa: detrás de la cabina
Póngase en contacto con Miguel Cubas para obtener más información.
= Información de la empresa =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
= Plus d'informations =
Essieu avant: Direction
Essieu arrière 1: Réduction: moyeux réducteurs
Essieu arrière 2: Réduction: moyeux réducteurs
Grue: derrière la cabine
Veuillez contacter Miguel Cubas pour plus d'informations
= Information sur la société =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
= Meer informatie =
Vooras: Meesturend
Achteras 1: Reductie: naafreductie
Achteras 2: Reductie: naafreductie
Kraan: achter de cabine
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Miguel Cubas
= Bedrijfsinformatie =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
Oś tylna 1: Redukcja: redukcja piasty
Oś tylna 2: Redukcja: redukcja piasty
Żuraw: z tyłu kabiny
= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
= Mais informações =
Eixo dianteiro: Direção
Eixo traseiro 1: Redução: redução do cubo
Eixo traseiro 2: Redução: redução do cubo
Grua: atrás da cabina
= Informações do concessionário =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
Задний мост 1: Редуктор: редуктор ступицы
Задний мост 2: Редуктор: редуктор ступицы
Кран: сзади кабины
= Информация о дилере =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov
Bakaxel 1: Minskning: minskning av nav
Bakaxel 2: Minskning: minskning av nav
Kran: bakom kabinen
= Information om företaget =
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel prikaz stikov